
We had a great Fall Forum in Santa Barbara. KUDOS TO CHAPTER 47 – WELL DONE! The success to any event is early planning and an engaged group of people. Chapter 47 did an outstanding job hosting all of the events. To start the weekend on Thursday, an excursion on the water on the famous Amphibious Land Shark that several members attended. On Friday, a well attended seminar entitled, “Fall Topics” was held at the PepperTree Inn. The speakers and seminar were superb and provided a great overview on Grade Separations – Right of Way Challenges and Solutions, Roundabouts – The good, bad and ugly, All you need to know about Street Vacations, Right of way Legal Updates, Federally funded Bridge Replacements, and the Montecito Disaster and Aftermath.

As with any Forum, we strive to bring an educational component as well as provide current updates on the Association business when we meet. At this Forum we were thrilled to have several guests with us: Judy Jones, IEC Secretary, Tim Drennan, IRWA Director Field Operations and Education Chairs from Chapter 2, 44, 47, and 73.

This was the first time we included our Education Chairs to provide them tools and support for the challenges they face in leading their chapter education program and meet their counterparts. Mike Flanagan, SR/WA, Region 1 Vice Chair provided an overview on “How to Schedule a Class” – How to market a course, How to schedule a venue, How to negotiate with an instructor (click here to download his presentation). Alesia Strauch, SR/WA, INEC Representative provided an overview on the nominations and elections process and insure that our Bylaws are current prior our Chapter elections (click here to download her presentation). Ray Mehler, SR/WA, Region 1 Secretary / Treasurer, provided a great overview and recommendation of the Governance Project. The International Governing Council voted in September to cancel the Governance Project and provided recommendations that will be discussed at a special IGC meeting to be held in February 2020. Tim also gave a great overview of the CHiPs incentive program to be implemented in 2020-2021 FY. If you are interested please see the slide deck links (click here to download his presentation).

As has become our standard program, all Chapter Presidents and Vice Presidents had the opportunity to share what is working well. what are the chapter challenges, what are planned initiatives for the chapter and how can we as region leaders help in achieving those goals and/or providing support.

Overall, we had a great 2019 Fall Forum and it is due to each Chapter Leader willingness to work our Mission (click here to download Fall Forum Meeting Minutes).

We look forward to our 2020 Spring Forum, hosted by Chapter 50, Gio Morales, Chapter President and Board.